What is CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a unique collaboration connecting people to a local farm and farmer. When you become a CSA member, you agree to support the costs of running the farm in exchange for a share of the harvest. By contributing a membership fee in advance, you become a partner with the farmer in sharing some of the risk as well as the bounty of agricultural production

Why CSA?

The problems with our industrialized food system are many. From pesticide residues in our food, soil, and water, to the shrinking number of family farms, there are many reasons to look at alternative food systems such as CSA. The CSA concept first took hold in Japan, where it was called  “food with the farmer’s face,” emphasizing that food does not have to be a generic commodity transported many miles and produced under factory-like conditions.  From our perspective as farmers, CSA succeeds because it allows us to focus on our passion for working with the land to produce the most wholesome, life-giving, best tasting food possible, while building a strong bond with the members we are feeding.

Denison Farm CSA

Denison Farm is a 475 member CSA. We farm 26 acres of Certified Organic vegetables, strawberries, melons, herbs, and cover crops in the best way we can to maintain soil health and preserve habitat for native pollinators, plants, and wildlife.

Currently, Denison Farm is USDA Certified Organic through our certifying agency, PCO, and The Real Organic Project (Vt. based organization). Please look online at the Real Organic Project and PCO websites to learn more about both organizations.

We look forward to providing you, your family, and neighbors in the Capital Region with locally grown, certified organic produce and hope that your weekly CSA pick-up will be one of your Summer and Autumn highlights. As with any season, some crops will flourish while others will be less abundant. We offer to you the fruits of our labor and ask of you to understand and share some of the responsibilities and risks.


Sign up for the CSA Today

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